Volunteers of America Northern California and Northern Nevada, Veteran Apartments

Volunteers of America Northern California and Northern Nevada is a faith based nonprofit dedicated to improving the lives of homeless individuals and families through sustainable housing and employment. Recognizing the specific needs of those who served our country, Volunteers of America provides specialized programs for homeless and at-risk veterans and their families in the Greater Sacramento area. Services include rapid re-housing, case-management and homeless prevention. A large focus is heavily placed on increasing our veteran men's and women's employment possibilities through life and job skills classes.
Service Provider:
Volunteers of America Northern California and Northern Nevada, Veteran Apartments
Sacramento, CA
Mission of Agency:
To change individual lives, instill hope, increase self-worth and facilitate independence, through quality housing, employment, and related supportive services.
Builder Partners:
Builder Captain Phase I: USA Properties Fund Builder Captain Phase II: Taylor Morrison
Work Performed:
Renovation of Windows, Kitchen, Bathrooms and Flooring plus Landscaping
Beds Added:
23 beds
Phase I and II Completed in 2018