About HomeAid Sacramento
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The Basics
HomeAid Sacramento is a local affiliate of HomeAid America. Working together with the members of the North State Building Industry Association, we approach the humanitarian crisis that is homelessness with a unique and collaborative outlook. Housing development and community engagement are the two tactics we deploy to fulfill our mission of helping those experiencing homelessness in the greater Sacramento region build new lives.
Vision Statement
Established in 1996, our vision is to be a vital force in creating safe and dignified housing and programmatic facilities for those who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
Mission Statement
HomeAid Sacramento’s mission is to help people experiencing or at risk of homelessness build new lives through construction, community engagement, and education.
Core Values
Inclusiveness: Valuing that every individual has worth and human dignity through a willingness to help our neighbors in times of need and to understand the unique stories behind each individual we serve.
Collaboration: Embracing working together as a community to achieve what is not possible alone.
Integrity: Ensuring that everything we do is accomplished with a sense of responsibility, honesty, respect, confidence, and a commitment to stay consistently aligned with our mission.
The Power of a Triangle
The Triangle is one of the most simple shapes yet it exudes strength, stability and can bear the weight cast upon it from a variety of angles. The Triangle is often found in various elements of construction including building support and trusses. Equally as strong, are the three sides of HomeAid’s Triangle, as they are each critical components to fulfilling our mission and clearly demonstrate how HomeAid exists to serve those who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
Click to expand.
Building quality & dignified housing is essential to our mission.
Community Engagement
It takes a community to build and rebuild a community.
Let’s help empower one another through education.

Painting a Better Tomorrow

Help The Homeless @ Rock Creek Elementary

Help The Homeless @ Rock Creek Elementary

HomeAid Sacramento History
What Is HomeAid Sacramento?
HomeAid Sacramento builds and renovates temporary, transitional and permanent housing for homeless children, women, men, veterans, and families who have experienced a life-altering event and are rendered temporarily homeless. Our goal is to enable them to take the critical steps toward achieving lives of self-sufficiency. As the charitable arm of the North State Building Industry Association, our work is made possible through the generosity of homebuilders, their trader partners, financial institutions, and individuals like you.
Unlike any time in America's history, today's homeless are often children, women, and families. Contrary to popular belief, the majority of today's homeless are not the people seen on the street. They are the "invisible homeless" who are without a place to live due to unforeseen life circumstances (e.g. job loss, natural disaster, divorce, abuse, foreclosure or a medical condition) — situations that could affect anyone.
Think for a moment about the following situations: the mother who left an abusive relationship to protect her children; the father who moved his family to a transitional housing facility because he had to choose between rent and his child's cancer medicine; the pregnant teen who has nowhere to go and no one to turn to; the family without a home because everything was lost in a fire...these are the people served by HomeAid Sacramento.

HomeAid Sacramento is one of 19 local Affiliates across 13 states.
HomeAid is a leading nonprofit developer of housing and programmatic facilities for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness.