The Grove Adopt A Cabin Program
The Grove is a tiny-cabin community providing emergency bridge housing for transitional-age youth (TAY) ages 18-24. By adopting a cabin, you and your team will take on the beautification of a cabin for the youth involved in the program. The goal is to improve the basic cabins with a little more personalization. There is a basic set of requirements for each cabin. The rest will be up to your imagination. Keep in mind that these cabins are designed for temporary housing. Materials should be gender neutral in color and durable for use by multiple guests over the years.
Event Dates

Choose one of the beautification dates below and join the ribbon cutting event on April 4th. HomeAid will follow up with you to schedule your shift after your register.
Thursday, March 27
4-Hour Shift
Thursday, April 3
4-Hour Shift
Friday, April 4 at 11:00 AM
The Basics
Make a Difference
A view of a cabin as is today.
A sample of options to beautify the interior and exterior of the cabins.
An example of a beautified cabin.
Have questions? Email info@homeaidsac.org